
The best food for the eyes, remember to let your c

  • 20 December 2019 Fri |
  •   HEALTH |
  •   ✉ 檢舉
Dry eyes eat amaranth

The "Book of Songs" written in the Book of Songs during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period had the phrase "Gan Zhi Ru Ru". Song You, a poet in the Song Dynasty, had a special fondness for Amaranth. "

Amaranth is called spring vegetable, which is also known as wild scallion, ground vegetable, grass, and cabbage. It grows in fields, roadsides and courtyards, and has the functions of clearing heat and stopping bleeding, clearing liver and eyesight, and diuretic and swelling. 

"Famous Doctors' Records" states that it "maintains liver and qi, and neutrality"; "Shi Jing" states that it "buns the heart and the spleen"; "Luchuan Materia Medica" states that it "reduces swelling and detoxifies, cures sores, and red eyes". 

Amaranth contains a large amount of carotene, B vitamins and vitamin C, and calcium and iron are also high.

Office white-collar workers are prone to dry eye. Amaranth is rich in carotene. Eating more amaranth can prevent dry eye disease and can also reduce the symptoms of dry eyes. 

Due to the cold nature of amaranth, people with weak spleen and stomach are not suitable to eat, especially those who do not have regular stools and often have stools.

There are many ways to treat amaranth. They can be fried, boiled, stewed, and stuffed. They are all fresh and delicious, with unique flavors.

Eye fatigue eating sweet potato

When people reach a certain age, their eyes will become tired easily, sometimes they will feel pain, they will not open their eyes, and their eyesight will decline. 

"The eye is a mirror of the internal organs." Failure of the eye is a signal of internal organ failure, especially liver and kidney deterioration and aging.

Therefore, to improve the function of the eye, the prerequisite is to restore the visceral function.

In order to strengthen the liver and kidneys and function, in addition to taking care to prevent excessive drinking and excessive fatigue, you can also solve it by ingesting beneficial foods.

The most representative food is sweet potato. 

Sweet potato has the effect of "buzhongzhongqi", which can improve the function of digestive organs, nourish liver and kidney, and have a healing effect on the body's weakness.

Sweet potatoes can also be effective in treating hepatitis and jaundice and also help. 

According to nutritional analysis, sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber, multivitamins and minerals.

There are many ways to eat sweet potatoes. You can cook them directly, or make them into dry food. Sweet potato powder can be dissolved in milk or soy milk and served.

The yellower the egg yolk, the better for eye health

Eggs are rich in proteins, fats, yolks, lecithin, vitamins and iron, calcium, potassium, lutein and zeaxanthin, and other minerals that the body needs. 

Eggs are composed of egg shells, yolks, egg whites, and egg lacing. They have different nutritional values, of which egg yolks have the highest nutritional value.

Some people don't like to eat egg yolk, especially for obese people or people who are losing weight. They worry that they will gain weight after eating egg yolk. 

There is also higher cholesterol in eggs. It is thought that it may increase blood lipids and cause vascular sclerosis. So everyone knows that they are also worried about eating egg yolk to increase cholesterol, so they only eat egg white and not yellow.

The reason for this concern is because they do not know that the yolk is rich in nutrients. 

Among the yolks, there are two kinds of nutrients that need special mention, that is lutein and zeaxanthin.

People who care about eyes should pay attention. Lutein and zeaxanthin are closely related to protecting the eyes. 

Both lutein and zeaxanthin have strong anti-oxidant effects, especially for eye protection.

The imaging part of the human eye is the retina, and the retina has a "macular", and the yellow nutrition source inside is lutein and zeaxanthin.

These two types of nutrients can reduce UV damage to the eyes, delay eye aging, and prevent eye diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts.

The color of the egg yolk is dark yellow, which is the source of lutein and zeaxanthin. 

More than 1/3 of the fat-soluble yellow substances in egg yolk come from these two components, and they are easily absorbed by the body.

Therefore, for normal eggs, the yellower the color of the yolk, the better for eye health. 

Experts suggest that while eating eggs, eat more fruits and vegetables, which can avoid high cholesterol and protect the eyes.

Eat more spinach eyes "bright"

Eyes are one of the hardest organs in the human body. Therefore, eyes that are particularly tired and tired due to hard work also need nutrition through food. 

Recently, a study by the University of Manchester in the UK confirmed that spinach is one of the best sources of lutein, and lutein is very effective in preventing "retinal macular degeneration" caused by eye aging.

Large amounts of lutein in dark green leafy vegetables like spinach can be very helpful in preventing cataracts. 

According to research, green leafy vegetables are also good sources of vitamin B2 and beta-carotene. 

When vitamin B2 is sufficient, the eyes are not easily covered with bloodshot blood; and β-carotene can be converted into vitamin A in the body to prevent "dry eye disease" and other symptoms.

And the benefits of spinach in green leafy vegetables don't stop there. 

It is rich in potassium, calcium, and magnesium, which can help the eye muscles to increase elasticity and prevent myopia. 

It is well known that people with calcium deficiency have poor eyeball elasticity, and the eye axis is prone to elongation. 

Researchers also said that daily life of rice, fried meat, braised fish with sweet drinks and desserts would cause serious calcium loss in the human body. 

If you can eat less meat and eat more spinach, you can make up for this shortcoming and greatly improve the elasticity of eye muscles.

Use your eyes often and eat more yellow corn

Due to aging, when macular fat is oxidized and damaged and damaged, macular degeneration, vision loss, and even blindness may occur. 

Lutein and zeaxanthin, with their powerful antioxidant effects, can absorb harmful light into the eyeballs and maintain the health of the macula.

But it should be noted that only lutein and zeaxanthin are found in yellow corn, but not in white corn. 

So taxi drivers, elementary and middle school students, editors, writers and other people who often use their eyes should eat more yellow corn.
