
Which country is the cheapest to marry a wife? You

  • 20 December 2019 Fri |
  •   ✉ 檢舉
Today, the ratio of men to women is seriously imbalanced. For some countries, marrying a wife has become a big problem for men. However, in such a country in the world, it is very easy for men to marry a wife in this country.  some even marry a wife with only a bag of seeds, it is really enviable!

This country is India. Indian women have a low status. Before marrying, they were cows and horses for their parents. At the age of marriage, they cannot choose their favorite man according to their wishes. Later, if he cannot win the favor of his husband, he will be punished and severely sold as a commodity.

In India, a poor family may not be able to maintain enough planting seeds to maintain the planting business, so they will exchange their daughters for a bag of seeds. If they wait until the autumn harvest, the harvest is not good and there is no money to repay , He will mortgage his wife to the lender, and wait for money before redeeming it.

However, although India has such unrecognized marriage customs, it is undeniable that India's overall strength is gradually rising and it has a tendency to become a world power. 

Moreover, India has a deep history and culture. These unique cultures have attracted many foreigners. In addition, India is located between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. It has an excellent geographical location at sea, whether it is a unique culture or a superior geography. The environment makes India a special presence all over the world.

Although the exotic customs of India make it difficult for many people to understand, this is also a special kind of them. However, this unreasonable marriage custom has been realized by the Indian people. I hope that in the near future, India can change this custom and let women Can have equal status.
