
There are "oils" in the blood vessels. Remember 2

  • 20 December 2019 Fri |
  •   HEALTH |
  •   ✉ 檢舉
Many patients who die in the clinic due to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease, the blood vessels are abnormally thick and hard, and then they will also find that there are a large number of sticky yellow and white oil in the ruptured blood vessel walls that block the blood vessels. cholesterol.

Cholesterol is the culprit of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases caused by atherosclerosis caused by blood vessel blockage. When a blood vessel is blocked by more than 80%, then this blood vessel is considered to be basically blocked and abolished.

When the cholesterol content rises, it can cause atherosclerotic plaques and venous thrombosis, resulting in narrowing and blocking of arterial blood vessels, leading to the formation of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. When this happens in the cerebral blood vessels, it will cause infarction. Cholesterol content is between 140 ~ 199mmol / L, which is a relatively normal cholesterol level.

The root cause of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is caused by vascular occlusion and disease. To make blood flow, it is necessary to clear blood vessels and reduce cholesterol.

Cholesterol mainly comes from high-fat foods, such as fatty meat, viscera, and fried foods. However, the diet of many people is almost irregular. Therefore, the adjustment of diet structure plays a key role in prevention and conditioning. Proper exercise to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood is the longest effective method.

Food therapy is also highly respected in Chinese medicine, because it can maintain blood vessels to the greatest extent and reduce further damage to the medicine. However, if you eat food alone, it is well known that absorption is slow and requires long-term persistence to have effect. Therefore, even the best food requires skills to extract the essence in it and let the body absorb it directly, so here are 2 supplementary dietary treatments  must consider

1、Food Juicing:

Apples are rich in pectin, cellulose and vitamin C, and have a very good lipid-lowering effect. Eating two apples a day or drinking juice with some vegetables and fruits will last for one month, and most people's blood cholesterol will decrease.

Fruit and vegetable juices are popular with many people. Keeping juice and removing residue, such as orange apple carrot juice, apple parsley lemon juice, apple grape cabbage juice, are very effective, but Slow results require long-term persistence.

2、Whole germ buckwheat tea:

The whole germ buckwheat tea is rich in rutin, which can lower blood pressure, expand peripheral blood vessels, and increase heart contraction. At the same time, it can also relieve the brittleness of capillaries and enhance vascular toughness.

It is also rich in flavonoids, which can inhibit cholesterol and lipid synthesis in the body, reduce triglycerides and cholesterol, and prevent atherosclerosis. Therefore, you can use whole germ buckwheat tea to drink water every day, or put a little while cooking porridge to make rice. If you take it for a long time, it will help the blood vessels.

The last thing to note is that red meat such as egg yolk, beef and mutton, animal offal, crab yellow, crab cream, lard, fatty pork, fat sheep, fat cow and other cholesterol content are high, you can not eat without eating; vegetables, fruits and algae , Such as celery, corn, oats, fungus, kelp, onion, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, etc. These foods help cholesterol excretion, eat as much as you can.

Coronary heart disease is the most common type of heart disease. It is caused by atherosclerotic lesions of arterial blood vessels that cause narrowing or obstruction of the lumen of the blood vessels, resulting in myocardial ischemia, hypoxia or necrosis.


The main population of coronary heart disease is middle-aged and older people over the age of 45


Often eat high-calorie diets, animal livers, and are prone to coronary heart disease. To control the incidence of coronary heart disease, in addition to control high-fat diet intake, we must also pay attention to control food intake.。


Those who exceed the standard weight are susceptible to coronary heart disease, and should pay more attention to those who gain weight rapidly.

4、blood pressure

Elevated blood pressure is a risk factor for coronary heart disease.

The risk of atherosclerosis caused by elevated blood pressure is 4 times higher in patients with hypertension than in those with normal blood pressure.

5、Blood lipids

Dyslipidemia due to genetic factors, or excessive fat intake, or lipid metabolism disorders. Such as total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, VLDL increased, while HDL decreased, prone to coronary heart disease.

To stay away from coronary heart disease, it is necessary to have another good living habit, and to do a regular physical examination to achieve early detection and early treatment. For long-term mental workers, you must learn to relax properly and not put yourself under stress for a long time. in. If you have coronary heart disease, you need to pay attention to the following points.

1、Bathing time should not be too long

In addition to keeping warm, patients with coronary heart disease need to maintain the circulation of indoor air to avoid excessively sultry, and the bathing time should not be too long.

Because when a person is immersed in hot water, the capillaries in the skin, muscles and abdominal organs of the whole body will expand and congest, the amount of blood circulating effectively throughout the body will decrease, blood pressure will drop, and the blood supply to important organs such as the heart, brain, and kidneys will be insufficient. As a result, the condition becomes worse.

2、Supplementary Selenium

Selenium in patients with coronary heart disease is in a clear state of deficiency. Selenium deficiency in the body will lead to aggravation of the disease, which is one of the causes of death of coronary heart disease. Selenium supplementation can destroy a large amount of cholesterol accumulated at the wall of the arterial tube and cause atherosclerosis Improves and significantly reduces the frequency of angina pectoris

In addition, selenium can also reduce the degree of myocardial damage during myocardial infarction, reduce the infarct area and promote repair. Selenium supplements can be supplemented by edible or medicinal supplements. Patients with coronary heart disease should pay attention to the diet. It is recommended to consume selenium. Weikang chewable tablets supplement malt selenium. The human body can absorb organic selenium. Organic selenium malt selenium has the highest biological activity. , More easily absorbed by the body.

3、Proper exercise

Patients with coronary heart disease should not exercise prematurely, but should also avoid strenuous exercise, avoid sweating, and use sweat as a degree. For specific exercise methods, you can choose to take a walk, play Tai Chi, ballroom dancing and other sports in a sunny and ventilated place to feel comfortable and happy.

The exercise time is 30-60 minutes each time, the heart rate can reach the value of 170 minus the age per minute. It does not need to exercise every day.

4、Emotional stability

Patients with coronary heart disease should pay attention to regulating their mood, stabilizing their emotions, avoiding excessive excitement, and do n’t be overjoyed. Watch less intense and intense games, thrilling movies and TV, reduce emotional stimuli and cause excessive secretion of adrenaline, which will increase blood pressure and vasospasm. Causes arterial plaque rupture, thrombosis, and acute myocardial infarction.
